
Cara Install Modem Adsl

Cara Install Modem Adsl 3,5/5 5192 votes
  1. Netgear Adsl Modem
Adsl modem

Netgear Adsl Modem

I have another interesting occurence on loading up the VMC Modem.The modem is PnP.The originator -Vodafone- provides an instal CD but is apparently not required in SA as the VMC Modem in SA has the software preinstalled on the modem. The VMC has USB connect.Now here's the interesting bit.Quoted via e-mail to Vodacom Customer Services'.1. On initial install, the modem self installs into the following as shown in device manager:a. DVD/CD-ROM Drives as HUAWEI Mass Storage USB Deviceb. Modems as HUAWEI Mobile Connect - 3 G Modem #2c. Ports (COM & LPT) as HUAWEI Mobile Connect - 3G PC UI Interface (COM6).Is this acceptable considering that the device is classified as a modem?

There are no conflicts indicated in Device Manager.2.a. The device is not recognized on boot up within Windows XP Desktop.b. The device is only recognised after unplugging at USB Port and re-plugging in.c. I have another interesting occurence on loading up the VMC Modem.The modem is PnP.The originator -Vodafone- provides an instal CD but is apparently not required in SA as the VMC Modem in SA has the software preinstalled on the modem. The VMC has USB connect.Now here's the interesting bit.Quoted via e-mail to Vodacom Customer Services'.1.

On initial install, the modem self installs into the following as shown in device manager:a. DVD/CD-ROM Drives as HUAWEI Mass Storage USB Deviceb. Windows 8 update microsoft. Modems as HUAWEI Mobile Connect - 3 G Modem #2c. Ports (COM & LPT) as HUAWEI Mobile Connect - 3G PC UI Interface (COM6).Is this acceptable considering that the device is classified as a modem? There are no conflicts indicated in Device Manager.2.a.

The device is not recognized on boot up within Windows XP Desktop.b. The device is only recognised after unplugging at USB Port and re-plugging in.c.

@Essexman, I don't fully understand your post, but in the interests of being helpful, I recommend that you first update the BIOS on your PC make sure your PC is powered by a UPS - most USB issues can be resolved by updating the PC's BIOS, also make sure that your Windoze Updates are actually up-to-date - except for an M$-iPod-corruption-problem update - I recommend skipping that beastie.Afterwards, once you're feeling a bit more adventurous, have a look at the link in Csnoopy's forum signature about the generic Huawei E220 dashboard s/w.PS: Welcome to MyBroadband.