Rhino Tutorial Pdf
Rhino Tutorial Pdf 4,5/5 3084 votes
Rhino 6 User Guide Pdf
I realise that there exist some posts such as which have asked the same question. However the links on the suggested page do not work (it simply takes me back to blog homepage).What I'm looking for is a tutorial which does not have any assumed prior rhino mock knowledge.What I need is a step-by-step guide which explains the basics (stubs vs mocks vs expect.call), how the Record, ReplayAll, VerifyAll, when/why you use Repeat.Any etc., work.I have a rough understanding after reading some of the documentation (which I found some articles to be useful but most to be confusing at best) but I need some more examples with detailed explanations on how to use rhino mocks. New york undercover complete torrent.